




*:精度高达0.075%,能够提供*的压力测量数据。 高稳定性:采用*的传感器技术和信号处理技术,确保长期稳定可靠的测量结果。 宽量程:量程范围广,覆盖多种应用需求。 多种输出信号:可选4-20mA、0-5V、0-10V等多种输出信号,方便与各种控制系统集成。 防护等级高:IP67防护等级,可在恶劣环境下稳定工作。 抗干扰能力强:具备良好的电磁兼容性,能够抵抗各种电磁干扰。 安装方便:多种安装方式可选,方便用户安装和使用。





参数 数值 测量介质 液体、气体、蒸汽 量程范围 -100kPa~100MPa(可定制) 精度等级 0.075% 输出信号 4-20mA、0-5V、0-10V等 供电电压 24VDC 工作温度 -40℃~85℃ 防护等级 IP67 材质 不锈钢316L



石油化工:油气管道压力监测、储罐液位测量、反应釜压力控制等。 电力行业:锅炉压力监测、汽轮机压力控制、水处理系统压力监测等。 冶金行业:高炉压力监测、转炉压力控制、液压系统压力监测等。 机械制造:液压系统压力控制、气动系统压力监测等。 食品饮料:饮料灌装压力控制、食品加工过程压力监测等。 环保水处理:污水处理压力监测、净水系统压力控制等。



*测量,确保数据的可靠性和准确性。 稳定可靠的性能,延长产品的使用寿命,降低维护成本。 多样化的选择,满足不同应用场景的需求。 *的技术支持,为您解决产品选型、安装和使用过程中的问题。 良好的性价比,为您提供*的解决方案。

SP802 pressure transmitter

SP802 pressure transmitter is a high-performance, high-precision and high-reliability pressure measurement instrument widely used in petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy, environmental protection, food and other industries for measuring the pressure of liquid, gas and steam.

Product Features of SP802 Pressure Transmitter

SP802 pressure transmitter has the following significant features:

High Accuracy: Up to 0.075% accuracy, providing accurate pressure measurement data. High Stability: Adopts advanced sensor technology and signal processing technology to ensure long-term stable and reliable measurement results. Wide Measuring Range: Wide measuring range to cover various application requirements. Multiple Output Signals: 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V and other output signals are optional for easy integration with various control systems. High Protection Level: IP67 protection level for stable operation in harsh environments. Strong Anti-interference Ability: Good electromagnetic compatibility to resist various electromagnetic interferences. Easy Installation: Various installation methods are available for users to install and use.

Working Principle of SP802 Pressure Transmitter

The SP802 pressure transmitter uses a piezoresistive sensor as the core sensing element. When the measured pressure is applied to the sensor diaphragm, the diaphragm will produce a tiny deformation. This deformation will be sensed by the pressure-sensitive resistors inside the sensor and converted into a change in resistance value. The transmitter circuit converts the change in resistance value into a corresponding current or voltage signal output to achieve pressure measurement.

Technical Parameters of SP802 Pressure Transmitter

The following are the main technical parameters of the SP802 pressure transmitter:

Parameter Value Measured Medium Liquid, Gas, Steam Measuring Range -100kPa~100MPa (Customizable) Accuracy Level 0.075% Output Signal 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V, etc. Supply Voltage 24VDC Operating Temperature -40℃~85℃ Protection Level IP67 Material Stainless Steel 316L

Application Fields of SP802 Pressure Transmitter

SP802 pressure transmitter is widely used in the following typical application fields:

Petrochemical Industry: Oil and Gas Pipeline Pressure Monitoring, Storage Tank Level Measurement, Reactor Pressure Control, etc. Power Industry: Boiler Pressure Monitoring, Turbine Pressure Control, Water Treatment System Pressure Monitoring, etc. Metallurgical Industry: Blast Furnace Pressure Monitoring, Converter Pressure Control, Hydraulic System Pressure Monitoring, etc. Machinery Manufacturing: Hydraulic System Pressure Control, Pneumatic System Pressure Monitoring, etc. Food and Beverage: Beverage Filling Pressure Control, Food Processing Pressure Monitoring, etc. Environmental Protection and Water Treatment: Sewage Treatment Pressure Monitoring, Water Purification System Pressure Control, etc.

Advantages of Choosing SP802 Pressure Transmitter

Choosing SP802 pressure transmitter, you will get the following advantages:

High-precision measurement to ensure the reliability and accuracy of data. Stable and reliable performance, extended product life, and reduced maintenance costs. Diversified choices to meet the needs of different application scenarios. Professional technical support to solve problems in product selection, installation and use. Good cost performance to provide you with the best solution.






版权所有:Copyright @ 金湖黄河自动化仪表厂 2024


